I constantly get requests for prayer from readers and now it's my turn to ask the same.
Three days ago my Schauzer, Pepper, developed dermatitis near her tail. She had this before in the past and I still had medicine left over from before so I didn't think much of it. Dermatitis causes dogs to bite and gnaw off the fur on the infected area. So she had gnawed off the fur near her tail and so the next day I went and bought a collar from PetSmart to prevent her from doing it. I put the ointment on her and figured that in a few days things would be fine. The next day the situation appeared a bit worse and the area had spread a bit. Again, I wasn't alarmed and continued to treat her. Yesterday I came home to find that it had spread to nearly her entire back and the fur was falling off except for a strip that was weirdly wet and stunk horribly. So I got a wet rag and was wiping her down and to my horror all these maggots started falling out of the patch of wet fur. I keep my dogs outside during the day so little did I know that my dog had actually caused herself wounds from her gnawing on her skin. While she was outside flies came in and laid their eggs on the wounds and she developed a horrible case of maggots. Maggots can be good temporarily to debris a wound but their waste is toxic. I took my dog in to the vet today and he said that she may not make it. I was completely shocked. He told me that if I didn't bring her today then she would not have survived the holiday weekend but even still because of the toxins she may not survive. She is on IV and is being pumped full of antibiotics but is deteriorating. The vet says that it's the worst case he's seen.
So for my readers out there, please say a prayer that my dog survives and heals quickly. Thank you.
Also, a warning to people who may be in a similar situation. Because we are in the Summer months when it's warm day and night, flies develop extremely quickly. So if your dog develops an open wound it's important to keep him/her inside until it heals. In my case maggots took over in just a couple of days, so be warned.

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