"Why did you turn my case down? Did I do or say something that offended you?"
I turn down cases for a variety of reasons. Sometimes people want things that just are not reasonable or possible. Sometimes I get requests from people who are mentally ill (You would be shocked just how many people tell me that they will kill themselves if they don't get what they want. I definitely do not take on those cases!). Sometimes what people want is technically doable but I know they aren't willing to pay the amount that I would require in order to perform the work. Sometimes I am simply too busy to take on a case. Sometimes the case is just way too difficult. Sometimes I morally object to what the client is wanting. Sometimes the would-be-client is rude with me. Sometimes I am sick and can't take on a case. Sometimes the would-be-client wants me to jump through a hoop or prove myself to them. Sometimes the would-be-client asks me hundreds of questions and emails spaced out over days to weeks and in one case, even months, until I finally put my foot down and turn them down rather than waste any more of my time on said person. Sometimes I just know there is no hope for the situation. What I'm getting at is that there is not just one reason why I turn down a case. It depends. I usually do not explain myself but rather just politely turn down the case. So if you know you weren't rude with me then you probably shouldn't assume that I was offended. There's plenty of other reasons why I would turn down a case. In your particular case, you asked me dozens of questions over several weeks. You and I both know you can't afford to hire me based on our conversation. You actually told me in the second or third email that you don't have a job and couldn't afford me but you kept on asking questions anyway, which took up my time. Thus, it would be a waste of my time to continue answering your questions. So I politely turned down your case. I could have been rude to you and I could have been blunt with you. However, I chose to be polite with you to let you know that I wasn't going to answer anymore of your questions.
"What is the most difficult work to perform in hoodoo?"
From my experience, conjure work on alcoholics and drug users is extremely difficult mostly because these people know what they are doing and just don't care. The addiction has completely taken over. In the cases where I've seen success it was achieved by crossing them up first so that they hit rock bottom and then cleansing and blessing them. However, many of these individuals really want to die and it's an uphill battle to try to fight for their life when they don't want it. Certain types of court cases and legal work is a close second. Unfortunately, most people in need of court case work tend to wait until the very last minute and often expect free work at that. It just ain't so.
"Will you light a free candle for me every week until I achieve my goal or this situation is settled?"
No. Only one free candle setting per emergency situation. If you want a candle set every week then you will need to purchase a paid candle setting. I charge $30 per candle. For some reason I have gotten a lot of these requests in February. I received another one today as well. Just a reminder, free candle settings are for emergency situations only. Any requests for non-emergency situations will be ignored.
"Do you do a lot of negative work for people? If so, how does it make you feel? How does it effect you?"
Yes, I do. I do a lot of enemy work for clients. I have to cleanse myself after each work. If I didn't do that then my life would definitely be negatively effected by the work. Lucky for me I have a passion for justice and I know that for many people enemy work is the only justice they will ever get in this life. So I really do enjoy the work and I'm good at it. ;)
"I need a recipe for goofer dust. Thanks in advance."
I never offered to give you a free recipe. Thank you for understanding.
"Can you share the different Bible verses you work with? I'm interested in using Bible verses for various situation, especially money, love and to help defeat my enemies."
Yep. I actually planned on blogging a series on Bible verses I use in my work. People have no clue just what is found in the Bible. There are verses and even entire chapters for just about anything you need help with. Lots of very harsh work there to use against your enemies as well.
"I'm being attacked by a blue demon that comes into my room at night and tortures me. What is the name of this spirit and how do I master it?"
I'm not sure what you mean by "mastering it", but if you are being spiritually attacked at night there are a variety of things you can do to protect yourself. A simple method would be to open a bible to a protective Psalm, such as Psalm 91 which mentions "the terror by night". Place an open pair of scissors on top of the Bible and then place everything under your bed. I would not recommend you attempt to communicate with any negative spirit or try to "master it".

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