This is Blake (fake name for anonymity). Blake hired me because he had an enemy at his work that was trying to get him fired. This is what he has to say about it.
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 at 6:13 PM
From: xxx
To: mysecrethoodoo@mail.com
Subject: Doc you scary!
I knew that I made the right choice in hiring Doc. I needed someone willing to do some hardcore shit on a real POS at my job. This asshole has been up in my business from almost day one and constantly snitches on me.
I knew that it was either going to be him or me so I contacted Doc and let him take care of it. Sure enough not even six weeks later he gets fired. Seems he called in one too many times and he was crying! He didn't know that one more sick day would put him over his limit and I find that ironic as Doc mentioned that he was going to throw in some confusion work as well to mess with his mind. I guess it worked. Highly recommend Doc when you need tough shit done to people.
I don't want people to judge me or anything but it really is a situation where it was either him or me.
Doc Ima holler at you later if need the other work I asked you about.

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