For those who don't know I make a lot of the oils I use in my practice for my clients and for my own personal use. I don't sell my oils to the public though. I will also buy oils from other people as I see fit.
For the past week I've been tinkering with my recipes for "Glow of Attraction" and "Irresistible" oils. For those that don't know, Glow of Attraction is designed to not only make you stand out in a crowd but to draw potential lovers, male or female, to you. Today, most people may know Glow of Attraction oil better by another name, such as Look Me Over. Irresistible is exactly as it's name entails. It is designed to make you irresistible to people. I've combined them into a new recipe to see what the results would be. I probably should have thought things through before experimenting with it because I dabbed some on before going out last night.
So please remember that last night I just went out to have fun with friends and not to get laid. I was just experimenting with my new oil recipe to see if it would work or not. The first place we stopped at was a normal straight bar. Within 5 minutes of being there I had a woman running her fingers through my hair. She was married and she kept telling me that I was so pretty. Yes, she used the word pretty. She bought me a drink. I eventually ditched her when she got too physically aggressive and was trying to take my shirt off. So my friends and I moved to the other end of the bar and then another woman bought me a drink and I didn't take two sips from it before she blurted out, "So we gonna fuck or what?" I started laughing and told her that I was in a serious relationship. She responded by saying, "So what's that got to do with us fucking?" I just smiled and thanked her for the drink and then turned and left. She was mad! I could hear her cussing and then there was a sound of glass breaking. I think she slammed her drink down so hard that she broke the glass. She also began sobbing. At that point my friends and I decided to get out of there.
So the next stop on the list was a local gay bar. The gay bars here in my area are fun and far more straight people go there than gay people. Anyway, the one we were at is actually a gay hotel that has a gay country bar at one end and a gay nightclub on the other end. There is a third, smaller gay bar there and a gay restaurant but I've never been to those. Anyway, we went to the gay country bar first. Now, please note that this is not my first time there. However, at the times previous nothing unusual happened. Not last night! Last night there were hands all over me! I swear every time a guy walked passed me he made sure to touch my back, my neck, my ass, etc. It was absurd as they were definitely going out of their way to do so. So we were just about to leave the gay country club and head over to the other gay nightclub when a gay married couple starts talking to us. They were funny and we had some good laughs. We then excused ourselves and went over to the gay nightclub.
While at the gay nightclub I kept getting compliments from guys who liked my hair. I had two guys "fall" on me, as in embracing me so they didn't fall down but you know they kept holding on to me and were just using it as an excuse to talk to me. Both guys said that I had pretty eyes and one guy said that I was the prettiest guy in the club. Yes, he used the word pretty. One guy leaned in to kiss me but I pulled away and wouldn't let him. All of our drinks at that gay nightclub were paid for by guys who wanted to hook up with me. My friends were all happy and said that at least I was good for getting them free drinks. lol After a while the club got too packed. That particular club is so popular that it's often filled beyond capacity and there is usually a huge line to get in. So we left and decided to go back to the gay country club. Once there we run into the same gay married couple that we met before.
One of the guys seemed to be in a bad mood so I asked what was wrong. He took me aside and told me that he caught his husband french kissing two guys and he was pissed. I was like, oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Well, we started drinking and quickly began laughing and having fun. Close to last call the couple invites us back to their hotel room to continue the party. So there's 6 of us, two women and then 4 of us guys. As we are walking out the door, the husband that was french kissing other guys, turns around and tries to kiss me. I turn my head to avoid him and he ends up kissing my cheek. He was pissed at me! He was like why did you do that! I told him that I didn't want to kiss him. So we all go to their room and are joking around and having fun and some smoke and I'm just chilling on the bed, propped up on my side. The next thing I know there are hands on my shoulders and neck and my head is forced down onto the bed. Dude's husband, the one that tried to kiss me, has his face hovering over mine and he plants a deep kiss on my lips and I'm like, WTF? I just told him I didn't want to kiss him. On top of that this was right in front of his husband. So I sit up and move to the end of the bed. The husband is standing right there and immediately drops to his knees and begins to rub my thighs. I stand up to get away and he pushed me on the bed. The other guy who just kissed me holds down my arms and the husband tries to ravish me, and he was rough. This wasn't gentle Sarah Mclachlan-style lovin', but the "I'm taking it" variety. The entire time he's trying to have his way with me he keeps saying, "God damn you are so fucking pretty." Yes, he kept using the word pretty over and over again. So I flail around until I can get free. I then say to my friends, "It's time to go.". But like great friends they want to stay and party more. So they are my ride and so I have to stay. The guy that kissed me eventually got pissed that I wasn't in to him and stormed off, slamming the door as he left. The other guy who tried to ravish me could not keep his hands off of me. Over and over he kept telling me that I was pretty, and "Do you know how pretty you are?". I was like, you know the first 500 times you told me that I didn't believe you but this time I finally do.
Eventually my friends decided it was time to go. So this dude blocks the door and makes everyone give him a hug before they could leave. Of course when it comes to my turn to exit he wants to kiss me. He tries to kiss but I wont let him and so he just tears into my neck like a fucking vampire. He was using so much force that I almost fell down. Of course he kept whispering "you're so pretty" under his breath. He paused for a second and I took advantage of that pause and bolted.
When we all got into the car there was a brief period of silence followed by an explosion of laughter over what had transpired over the night. My friends think that it was because of the full moon that all this shit happened. They didn't know about my oil. Maybe it was both. I don't know. But I can tell you this, if I were to share this oil with you I can almost guarantee that you will be hit on by both women and men who will non-stop tell you that you are pretty. Because that's my experiences with it!

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