"I no longer want to work with Santa Muerte. How do I dispose of her statue and items? I still need to keep my promises I made to her for past situations."
This can be a sticky situation. Make sure to give her what you promised for her help. Now, if one of the vows you made was to serve her for life for her help then there's really no way around that. If you attempted to discard her after making such promise you would be breaking your vow and you may suffer from that. If you did not make such a promise then you can talk to her and thank her for her work. You can tell her you will find a good home for her and then give her statue and items to someone who wishes to work with her. You may even ask her to send such person to you. If this fails, you can take her statue and items to a deserted crossroads and leave them there or take them to a forest and leave them at the foot of a tree. Leave another offering to her, thank her again, and then walk away without looking back. Another thing you might try is to give the items to someone who already has an altar to her. The one thing you need to realize is that what I have told you are just suggestions. Whether or not she becomes offended by your actions is out of my control. It's very important not to enter into these things lightly. You may chose to have a reading to determine the proper way to handle this.
"Why can't I come see you in person?"
As a general rule I do not let new clients come to my home. This stems from numerous negative experiences I had when first starting out as a professional circa 20+ years ago. Back then, I operated out of my apartment and I got clients by word of mouth. Past clients would tell their friends or even strangers about me. It was that last category of people that ended up causing problems. I had several experiences with mentally ill people who would knock on my door or blow up my phone in the middle of the night. These were people that my clients did not know but just casually gave my address or phone number to. There were a couple of cases where I had to call the police. I don't want to get into it here but I was generally frightened for my safety. As a result of this mess I made my clients know that they can only give my contact info out to people they can personally vouch for. I told them I preferred they be the go between and tell me about said person before I decided if I was going to see them in person. When I began working online it provided a safer experience. I still get the occasional mentally ill person who tries to cause problems but it still is just a safer method. I don't have to come home to find strangers camped out outside my door, porch or property. Yes, I've experienced that in the past! To make a long story short, I do not let new clients who I don't know see me in person. Now, in time, and once we become familiar with each other, I may allow my long time clients to see me in person after we reach the point where we trust each other. Besides, most of the people who contact me online do not live in my area and so it would not be in there best interest to pay to travel to see me. Distance is no concern when it comes to conjure work or magic in general. Consultations and readings can be done over the phone or via email.
Why do you say death spells are difficult? I think that's b.s. If you use low magic for death spells then it should not be harder than any other spell.
Bless your heart and show me your verified death spell count.
I burned a candle and was wondering if you can interpret the burn for me?
Another Similar Question:
I purchased a candle light setting with another spell caster and I did not agree with what the woman told me about her interpretation of the burn. Can you give me your opinions on it?
As a general rule I only interpret candles that I have personally set for my paying clients. I do not read the burn from candles people do for themselves or the setting of lights that people have purchased from other workers.
Is there a spell that can help prevent my nephew from entering into the gay lifestyle? He's only 19 and I fear for him.
My readers may think I will blow up over this question. However, I actually understand where the person who asked this question is coming from. My guess is that this person is not against the fact that her nephew is gay, but rather, does not want him to get caught up in the typical gay lifestyle, especially referring to gay 20-somethings. The question is valid and reasonable to ask. For those who simply do not know, the typical gay lifestyle of 20-somethings is completely horrible. They are extremely, talking EXTREMELY, promiscuous (the term "fuck boy"). They party way too much, hence the phrase "gay party boy". They over indulge in drugs and alcohol, very materialistic, shallow and self-centered. Many of them die of ODs. Many of them will kill themselves before they become fully functioning adults. Most of them confuse "gay pride" with promiscuity and very bad behavior. So I fully understand why a loved one doesn't want their nephew to get caught up in this lifestyle. Remember, being gay is not a choice. But living this lifestyle is a choice. They don't have to live this way. They chose to live this way. Fortunately, those who survive into their 30s and 40s tend to mellow out and mature. As far as conjure work goes, think along the lines of blessing work, protection work, and influence and domination work. If your nephew is already showing signs that he is slipping into this lifestyle the you need to act fast. If you have access to his phone then check for apps such as Grindr and Scruff, which are advertised as "same sex dating apps" but are actually used for quick sex. Check the gay bars, clubs, and gay friendly establishments he may want to go to. The classy, high-up ones are fine. It's the seedy ones that should make you worry. If he is already forming attachments to negative people and there is evidence of drug use then you should do break up or separation work to sever those relationships. Pray, pray and pray some more! Remember though that he ultimately has to have the freedom to make his own choices, even if he chooses poorly. Good luck!

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