I'm pretty sure by now that everyone has learned of the sad tale of Rachel Dolezal, the NAACP leader who fooled the world into thinking she was an African American woman. The question I have is if it is wrong what she did?
We live in a world will people can change their gender. So why not race? If there is transgendered people, why not transracial?
The only problem I can foresee is when people lie. I feel that it's wrong for transgendered people to present themselves as being naturally born women or men, whatever gender they want to be. Just like I would feel it's wrong for transracial to lie and misrepresent themselves as being naturally the race they want to be. So I think the problem here is that she lied. If she was just honest and said that she was born white but identifies as black, then there wouldn't be any problem. She also wouldn't be in the dire position she is in now. As it stands now, she has lost everything. She's going to have to start her life all over again, in a new career as well.
I will tell you this. Rachel Dolezal needs to apologize for her deception. That's the one thing that bothered me about her resignation letter. No apology.

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